Valentin Gold presented a collaborative paper entitled "VisArgue - A Visual Text Analytics Framework for the Study of Deliberative Communication" at the PolText Conference in Dubrovnik, Croatia. 

Valentin Gold presented a paper entitled "Finding Compromise: The Antecedents of Debate Quality in the German Mediation Committee" at the Annual Meeting of the European Political Science Association (EPSA) in Brussels, Belgium. 

Valentin Gold presented the work of the VisArgue group at the Visual Text Analytics and Social Science Workshop hosted at the Imperial College and LSE, London. 

Valentin Gold und Katharina Holzinger presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA) in Chicago a paper entitled "An Automated Text-Analysis Approach to Measuring Deliberative Quality". In this paper, we report on our steps forward to automatically measuring the quality of deliberative communication. Furthermore, we propose an empirical test determining the consequences of deliberative communication. 

We presented the project and some preliminary results at the Digital Humanities Summit 2015 in Berlin. To download the poster, please click on the small poster image to the left.

Butt, Miriam. 2015. Visualizing Linguistic Structure (LingVis). Talk given at the AAAS Annual Meeting as part of the Symposium on Visualizing Verbal Culture: Seeing Language Diversity.

Mennatallah El-Assady und Dominik Sacha. Visual Analytics of Political Discussions. University Stuttgart, July 2014. 

Valentin Gold. Visual Analytics of Political Texts and Discourses through Lexical Episodes Plots. Annual Meeting "Empirical Methods"of the German Association of Political Sciences. University Duisburg-Essen, Mai 2014. 

Sebastian Sulger. The Visualization of Linguistic Patterns. DHd 2014, University of Passau, March 2014.

Daniel A. Keim. Visual Analytics for the Digital Humanities: Combining Analytics and Visualizations for Gaining Insights into Linguistic Data. Talk at Herrenhausen Conference "(Digital) Humanities Revisited – Challenges and Opportunities in the Digital Age" in Hannover, Dec. 5-7, 2013. [Slides] / [Audiofile and Pictures]
